I know it's long but, PLEASE READ AND ENJOY!
For those of you who have not yet had the privilege to meet my wonderful, special, older brother Quinn, he truly is a blessing to our family. He was born with Down Syndrome. He can't speak, but does some sign language he has learned and some he has made up himself. :) Our family has learned patients and what it means to really love unconditionally. Quinn doesn't care if you stink or your dirty, put deodorant on for the day; if you are pink, green, blue, black, brown or white, if your rich or poor, pretty or ugly...HE LOVES EVERYONE! Couldn't we all learn a little from his example...He is 43 years YOUNG. He lives at home with mom & dad, and goes to a learning work shop during the day. He enjoys Hot Wheel Car's, popcorn, the color Red, Chicken, his Birthday, and most of all... POP! Jeffery, since the day he met Quinn, has always taken him to get a Pepsi at Maverik and now it's just part of their routine! If he doesn't take him right when he gets there, Quinn pouts until he does. We love him soooo much and could never imagine life without our Quinn!
Quinn and I are 17 years apart, with no one in between, so when I was born, my mom said he couldn't have been more proud. She said everytime the door bell rang, even if I was asleep, he would go in and get me and carry me to the door to show me off.
What a great brother I have!
Oh how cute Quinn!! We love him too, if only everyone in the world would take the opportunity to get to know any of these "special angels" the would would be much brighter!! You made me tear up Lacey.
Hey guys... thanks for posting your blog address on your christmas card which was so cute. Since we don't see much of you guys, this will be a great way to keep in touch with what is going on. Check out our blog at www.taylorspecialks.blogspot.com
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